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"Solstice" was written during what was for me, a very difficult Christmas. Not only was I dealing with some serious personal issues, but I was also overwhelmed by the plight of other less fortunate people during what was supposed to be a season of faith and goodwill. As I poured most of what I was feeling out onto paper in an effort to sort things out, it occurred to me that I was quite obviously, not the first person nor the last to have to confront these issues  and attempt  to  make  sense  out  of  them.   I   think   that  everyone                                               



can relate to "Solstice" in that we've all been down, and we've all had our faith challenged at one time or another. In Nick's case, this happens during the holidays, a time when everyone's expectations run high. Although his own life is in disorder, he sees others around him not in tune with the holidays, and this is what sparks his journey and eventual rediscovery of what Christmas should be about. Like Nick, sometimes we're so busy feeling sorry for ourselves, that we don't recognize the positive that can come out of a seemingly bad situation, and that's the human spirit. I think if there's a message in "Solstice", it's that no matter how bleak we sometimes perceive things to be, we should never give up hope or faith, because in our hearts they're what give us the strength to forge ahead. I hope those of you who are reading this will have the chance to see "Solstice" during the holiday season, and that you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed making it.


Jerry A. Vasilatos

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Silver Award - 1994

Bronze Award - 1995

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